4 Themes |
Four themes are devoted to cover a wide range of computational analysis for underground structures. Topics within the scope of interests include:
- Theme 1: Recent Advances in Computational Geomechanics
- Theme 2: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Couplings
- Theme 3: Case Studies
- Theme 4: Storage & Monitoring
Note that presentations are not strictly limited to this list. Presentation dealing with transversal subjects are welcome.
Keynote lectures |
Will be presented by leading international experts in Computational Mechanics and Geomechanics
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Processes in Complex Rocks |
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Pr R.I BORJA, Stanford, USA
On the strength of transversely isotropic rocks |
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THM Behaviour of bentonite-based materials |
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Numerical Modelling of Strain Localisation in Fault Zones |
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Visit of ANDRA URL |
(Underground Research Laboratory)
A visit is planned during the third day. Andra is the French national radioactive waste management agency.
One of the major challenges of the experimental program undertaken by Andra to demonstrate the feasibility of a deep geological radioactive waste repository (500 – 600 meter depth) is to understand and to quantify the hydro-mechanical response of the Callovo-oxfordian claystone (sedimentary rock consisting mainly of argillaceous rocks, carbonates and silts) when excavated.
The objective of this program is to address two closely linked issues, (1) the issues of excavation engineering (what kind of reinforcement support is necessary ?) and (2) safety issue (which impact has the claystone fracturing during excavation on the fluid flow ?).
The questions are addressed using complementary approaches: (i) in situ experiments in the underground laboratory, (ii) laboratory studies of the mechanisms that may explain the hydro-mechanical behaviour of claystone, conducted at different scales (from nanometre to centimetre), and (iii) numerical simulation.
Visit : https://meusehautemarne.andra.fr/landra-en-meusehaute-marne/installations/le-laboratoire-souterrain
Main topics |
- Continuum modelling
- Discrete element modelling
- Hybrid modelling models
- Fractures, strain localisation and damage modelling
- Multiscale : micro-macro constitutive models
- Enhanced constitutive models
- Multiscale and Multiphysics (THMC) modelling
- Geophysical analysis and computation
- Experimental vs numerical modelling
- Case studies
- Numerical modelling and back analysis
- Study of underground structures
- Underground storages and monitoring
- Deep geothermal